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家Sweet Delano

1981年,景观结构搬到了德拉诺的工业园区。我们的第一台建筑在第一个十年中扩大了两次,现在近50年后,我们的校园由六栋建筑和超过350名员工组成。我们是Wright County最大的私人雇主,我们靠近明尼阿波利斯 - 我们西区西区仅25英里 - 为我们提供伟大的人才,同时为我们的持续增长提供足够的空间。


Video features the Landscape Structures invite to visit their manufacturing headquarters in Delano Minnesota.

[video: camera pans left to right out across an open field lightly covered in dew and fog as the sun begins to rise. Text fades into the blue sky reading: Located thirty miles west. Scene switches to a view up at a bridge railing leading to a light post with an American flag and decretive banner with a pint flower and sun on it. Text fades into the sky of the scene reading: of Minneapolis.]

[video: view down a bridge where cars drive towards the camera as the sun begins to light the trees and the town water tower in the distance. Camera zooms in closer to the end of the bridge as cars continue to drive past the local stores and gas stations. Camera zooms for a close-up of the Delano water tower lit by the morning sun.]

[video: view down a winding dirt road as with lush green trees on either side as the sun beams down through them to light the road. Text fades into the middle of the road reading: in Delano, MN.]

[video: camera slowly zooms out for the Delano town population sign as a car drives down the road. Camera switches to a four way stop in down town Delano where a trucks and cars take their turn crossing the intersection. Scene switch to a view across a tall grassy field to a neighborhood playground with homes in the background.]

[video: close-up of a large green plant leaf as it gently bounces in the breeze. Camera pulls back for a view out over the Crow River in Delano. Scene switch to a full view of the front of the Landscape Structures office building. Text fades into the top left corner of the screen reading: Landscape Structures. Scene switch to a pan across the playground at the Barb King Inspiration Park in Delano. Text fades into the sky of the scene reading: invites you to.]

[video: Scene switches as the camera slowly zooms out from a full view of the nature themed playground at Rebecca Park just outside of Delano. White text appears in the middle of the scene reading: Come see what we’re about. Fade to white.]

[video: fade into Pat Faust the president of Landscape Structures as he stands underneath Landscape Structures lettering of the office building. Text on screen reads: Pat Faust President.]


[video: camera pans up a two-story mural of a young girl climbing on a playground climber in the center lobby of the building.]

Pat voiceover: You know in this day and age there’s all types of information that’s an information overload with great marketing and everything sounds wonderful and but to be able to really come in and kid of kick the tires and really understand what’s going on and in an organization is so important.

[视频:横跨黄色行走的摄像机粉丝充满了两排框架目录,景观结构,如其多年的业务制作。当景观结构首次启动时,将打开框架原始价格列表的特写镜头。场景切换到四个大字母由纸板箱制成,中间用红色丝带沿着景观结构标志。横跨弯曲的墙壁的摄像机粉丝以不同的字体印刷。场景切换到办公大楼的入口大厅的平移视图,坐垫红色椅子和景观结构的信息和历史海报。小三明治板签到特写镜头在桌读书的签到:谢谢所有人为使这是一个很好的工作地点,Startribune 2010年的最佳工作地点。场景切换到自定义永久莱烯面板的视图,即将成为旅游景观他们坐在立方桌上的结构。摄像机从景观结构历史的3D拼贴画中缩小。]

【视频:相机镜头拉出墙陷害我mages pinned of past tours. A banner above the pictures read: VIP Tours. Camera zooms out from a foam core Welcome sign reading: Welcomes, Off-Site Institute Attendees, National Recreation and Park Association. Steve Kind Landscape Structures found shakes hands with a group of people standing in the lobby. Camera pulls back as a group of people stand in a circle in the front lobby conversing.]

Pat Voiceover:我们对我们的客户一直这样做非常强烈。通常,当他们进来时,他们有机会遇到整个管理团队,然后最终是大多数公司,因为他们获得了我们所有设施的非常详细的旅游,但最重要的是我们的人民。

[视频:相机从一段时间缩小,框架图像围绕过去的旅行。图片上方的横幅阅读:VIP Tours。摄像机从泡沫核心欢迎标牌读取:欢迎,非现场研究所与会者,国家娱乐和公园协会。史蒂夫善良的景观结构发现,与一群人站在大厅里,摇摇手。相机拉回来作为一群人站在前大厅交谈中的圆圈中。一名男子坐在他的办公桌前往三个人,因为他们在景观结构的办公室和工人旅行。那个女人倾向于在他的电脑屏幕上指向。摄像机角度变为游览后面,因为他们倾向于将工作者的电脑屏幕视为未来游乐场的动画渲染。Pat指向墙上的框架目录封面到旅游与会者。穿着黄色安全帽的女人走下去,以查看框架目录盖的行。]

Pat voiceover: I lead off with a pretty simple explanation of our history and how we got to the stage and what’s really important to us I our mission. And talk about our lean manufacturing in our pursuit so they understand what they see the shop and how it happens and just how very empowered each and every employee is to help make those changes in those differences.

[视频:带有幻灯片的投影仪屏幕的视图:欢迎来到景观结构。横跨马蹄形会议表的摄像机平底锅作为一群人看幻灯片。在桌子上坐在桌子和地址会议室的拍摄的看法。相机缩小了Lynn Pinoniemi营销和大卫史密斯副总裁销售副总裁,因为他们倾听PAT的演示。相机平底锅回到坐在会议桌上的每个人。场景切换回来拍摄办公楼外的相机。场景切换到相机通过制造工厂跟随人们。旅游团队和Pat站在工厂工人身后,当他用电脑运行大型工厂机器时。相机在PAT中放大,因为可以看出他解释机器的过程。一个大游乐场岗位的特写镜头,当它通过机器。 The machine rotates the post as sparks fly at the bottom.]

Pat voiceover: And it’s I think it’s important that they go out into that factory talk to any employee on the factory floor or in the office and ask him any question they want. Right down to do they like working here, how long have they worked here, what’s important to them what’s important to the customer? How do they do their job? And what they find is a very empowered group that is very used to this and wanting to explain wanting to be part of a sales process along with the innovation along with the creativity along with the great repeatability and the reliability that Landscape Structures brings and I believe our innovation that they see that’s part of it but also the employees in the culture the attitude. It’s truly a special place.

[video: a worker hands a finished post to show the tour what the machine he is working on does. View from behind the woman on the tour as a worker explains the post he handed to her. A worker shows the tour a board that they use to manage work flow in the factory. A worker speaks to one of the tour attendees and points out to the factory floor and explains the process. Back view of a large tour as they listen to a worker explain his work station. Close-up of the worker speaking into a microphone, so the tour group can hear him. Camera angle switches to behind the workers as they address the tour group. Camera switches to an elevated view of the group tour as workers continue to explain their work station. Close-up of a man’s face as he listens to the tour and looks around the factory. Scene switch back to Pat as he speaks to the camera outside the Landscape Structures building. Scene switches back to the worker as he addresses two tour attendees explaining the work process factory board. View down a line of tour attendees as they listen to a worker speak into a microphone in the loud cutting and welding bay of the factory. View up at a worker and two tour attendees as the worker continues to explain the factory process board. Camera slowly zooms out from the worker speaking into the microphone for group tour at the welding and cutting factory bay. A man on the tour walks around a finished concrete rock climber in the factory. Camera focuses on a large concrete painted whale head for a custom playground. Close-up of an unpainted concrete tortoise statue on the factory floor. View of a tour as they watch a rotomold machine as it spins. Camera pans across the factory shipping floor where tour attendees stand and converse amongst themselves about the finished playground equipment.]

[video: Close-up of a woman wearing a yellow hard hat walking across the factory floor. Scene switch back to a close-up of Pat talking to the camera. Camera zooms out from a tour group as they walk to the next bay work station. A worker carries a stainless-steel post and sets it in a pile of other posts. View up to a worker as he addresses a tour group using a microphone and speaker system. Two women listen to a factory worker as he explains his station over the microphone. The two women shake their heads up and down. Top down view into the building lobby as many people line all the way around the walls. Fade to white and fade into a woman speaking to the camera. Text on the bottom of the screen reads: Amber Aspengren, Customer.]

Amber: I thought it was amazing how dedicated the employees were and how when they when they gave us a tour and took us through their portion of what they do during the day.

Amber voiceover: The excitement and the expression on their face just showed how much they believe in what they do when they they’ve been a part of the entire process and how things work. And you could just see that talking to them. And the thought process that went through making each part it really shows the quality of Landscape Structures equipment and that’s something that I want to make sure my kids get a chance to play on.


[video: a worker torches a Permalene panel to finish it. The camera zooms in on the workers hands as he continues to use a blow torch on the Permalene panel. Close-up of the worker as he intensely focuses on his work. Camera switches back to Amber speaking to the camera.]

Amber: And I know that it’s safe and it’s a worthwhile investment.

[视频:淡入白色,进入一个巡回群体,为小组照片排队。在景观结构员工弗兰克特写镜头,当他微笑在照相机时。风景结构特写镜头雇员Lynn当她微笑并嘲笑与旅游组。相机切换到大厅读取欢迎登录的视图:景观结构欢迎,琥珀·阿斯彭格伦,琥珀罗宁,吉娜·埃尔伯特,Eagle Bend Minnesota的家乡。]

[视频:当他微笑并嘲笑他的桌子时,景观结构员工的特写镜头。他回头点头向他身后的旅游团队点头。屏幕中间的文字阅读:安排您今天的访问。场景切换到通过班景结构公司历史的3D拼贴画的视图。现场改变到弯曲的墙上,用“创新”一词印刷在它上。一张海报的特写镜头在画架读书的:设计部门。在大厦大厅聚集的一个大型旅游小组的看法。帕特横向结构主席特写镜头在他对旅游者讲话时。当他与小组交谈时,他挥手。Pat将两个旅游与会者走到大堂入口处的套草3D拼贴上。 Camera pans to a tour group with Landscape Structures employees kneeling in the front posing for a group photo. Fade to white and back into Pat as he speaks to the camera.]


[video: fade to black, white text fades into the middle of the screen that reads: Better playgrounds. Better world. The Landscape Structures logo fades into the center of the screen with text below reading:]


