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  • 颜色是一个重要的决定,我们的操场有很多颜色可供选择。使用我们精心策划的调色板或与我们的设计团队合作,创建您自己的颜色组合。联系你当地的游乐场顾问了解更多






[视频:场景从轮椅通道切换到Cleary Family的围栏操场。当游戏正在进行时,镜头切换到包含奇迹联盟场地的平移视图。公园里的扩音器里,播音员含糊不清地在讲话。镜头切换到操场和奇迹联盟球场的空中镜头。当一名准备击球的小男孩将球击出三垒线时,摄像机切换到本垒板后面。他放下球棒,跑向一垒。人群的欢呼声。一名志愿者和一名球员面对面坐在球袍上,双腿呈v字形摊开。他们的脚相互接触,以防止他们来回滚动的垒球滚走。小男孩把球滚到志愿者面前,转身对着镜头微笑。场景切换到一个志愿者跪在一个站在游击手位置上的球员旁边,他递给这个小男孩一个垒球。 Camera zooms onto the back of a volunteer’s shirt that reads: buddy. The volunteer holds onto a player at second base. A volunteer flips his head upside down to look under a player’s baseball cap. Scene switches to a young girl wearing a Chicago Cubs shirt swings from the playground monkey bars. She smiles at the camera as she swings. Scene switches to a girl with glasses as she swings herself on the Oodle swing. Camera switches to a young boy climbing up and away from the camera on the Conical Climber. A girl swings rung to rung on the Overhead Trekker Ladder monkey bar set on the Evos play structure. Camera zooms out from the OmniSpin as two girls ride while an adult spins them around. Scene switches to an adult and two girls working together to make the Sway Fun glide back and forth. Camera switches to three kids swinging together on the Oodle swing. A young girl smiles at the camera as she bounces up and down on the Wee-saw multiple rider seesaw. Camera follows a young boy as he slides down the middle lane of the Cloudburst Slide. Camera fallows another boy as he slides down the middle lane of the Cloudburst slide. Scene switches to the camera looking up through the O-Zone climber rings as a young boy lets himself down off one of the rings. Camera close-up of young boy climbing through O-Zone climber rings. Scene switches to an elevated panning view of entire playground. Young girl moves herself down the Roller Table by the overhead arched bars towards the camera. A young boy smiles as he lays down on the OmniSpin while being spun. Scene switches to a volunteer as they guides a player with an implanted hearing device to second base. A volunteer and player hold hands as they run in slow motion to first base towards the camera. The player smiles as they reach first base. A young boy in a wheelchair wearing a Chicago cubs t-shirt and hat gives the camera a big smile and a thumbs up. A volunteer and a young boy in a wheelchair pose for the camera by giving a thumbs up and a smiling. A young boy wearing a blue batting helmet swings his bat at a ball on a tee. He hits the ball off the tee. Scene switches to an elevated view of two girls being pushed on the Oodle Swing by an older girl. A girl makes her way rung by rung across the Bow Ladder monkey bar set in slow motion. She reaches the last run and drops to her feet. A young boy runs across the bridge platform away from the camera. A young girl smiles at the camera as her and the camera spin on the OmniSpin. Point of view camera is place on a young boy’s wheelchair as he is pushed down the third base line to home plate. A woman off camera speaks.]




[视频:摄像机拍下一堆棒球手套堆在教练席上。摄像机特写的棒球在卵石flex安全场上浮出水面。操场和奇迹联盟球场的高架视角,孩子们在周围玩耍。屏幕变白与奇迹联盟的标志。奇迹联盟的标志是由一个蓝色的棒球本垒板和一个白色的圆圈和紫色的半月形组成的棒球鞋带。两颗黄色的星星在盘子的右上角,一颗紫色的星星在盘子上面。棒球周围有一个橙色的心形,棒球板上有一颗黄色的星星。下面橙色和紫色的文字是:奇迹联盟。景观结构标志从屏幕底部向上平移。景观结构标志是由一个红色的丝带起伏以上的文字景观结构。 Red text below the logo reads: Better playgrounds. Better world.™]

以前的标签 下一个选项卡

10701企业博士Ste 390
斯塔福德郡,TX 77477


以前的标签 下一个选项卡









[视频:场景从轮椅通道切换到Cleary Family的围栏操场。当游戏正在进行时,镜头切换到包含奇迹联盟场地的平移视图。公园里的扩音器里,播音员含糊不清地在讲话。镜头切换到操场和奇迹联盟球场的空中镜头。当一名准备击球的小男孩将球击出三垒线时,摄像机切换到本垒板后面。他放下球棒,跑向一垒。人群的欢呼声。一名志愿者和一名球员面对面坐在球袍上,双腿呈v字形摊开。他们的脚相互接触,以防止他们来回滚动的垒球滚走。小男孩把球滚到志愿者面前,转身对着镜头微笑。场景切换到一个志愿者跪在一个站在游击手位置上的球员旁边,他递给这个小男孩一个垒球。 Camera zooms onto the back of a volunteer’s shirt that reads: buddy. The volunteer holds onto a player at second base. A volunteer flips his head upside down to look under a player’s baseball cap. Scene switches to a young girl wearing a Chicago Cubs shirt swings from the playground monkey bars. She smiles at the camera as she swings. Scene switches to a girl with glasses as she swings herself on the Oodle swing. Camera switches to a young boy climbing up and away from the camera on the Conical Climber. A girl swings rung to rung on the Overhead Trekker Ladder monkey bar set on the Evos play structure. Camera zooms out from the OmniSpin as two girls ride while an adult spins them around. Scene switches to an adult and two girls working together to make the Sway Fun glide back and forth. Camera switches to three kids swinging together on the Oodle swing. A young girl smiles at the camera as she bounces up and down on the Wee-saw multiple rider seesaw. Camera follows a young boy as he slides down the middle lane of the Cloudburst Slide. Camera fallows another boy as he slides down the middle lane of the Cloudburst slide. Scene switches to the camera looking up through the O-Zone climber rings as a young boy lets himself down off one of the rings. Camera close-up of young boy climbing through O-Zone climber rings. Scene switches to an elevated panning view of entire playground. Young girl moves herself down the Roller Table by the overhead arched bars towards the camera. A young boy smiles as he lays down on the OmniSpin while being spun. Scene switches to a volunteer as they guides a player with an implanted hearing device to second base. A volunteer and player hold hands as they run in slow motion to first base towards the camera. The player smiles as they reach first base. A young boy in a wheelchair wearing a Chicago cubs t-shirt and hat gives the camera a big smile and a thumbs up. A volunteer and a young boy in a wheelchair pose for the camera by giving a thumbs up and a smiling. A young boy wearing a blue batting helmet swings his bat at a ball on a tee. He hits the ball off the tee. Scene switches to an elevated view of two girls being pushed on the Oodle Swing by an older girl. A girl makes her way rung by rung across the Bow Ladder monkey bar set in slow motion. She reaches the last run and drops to her feet. A young boy runs across the bridge platform away from the camera. A young girl smiles at the camera as her and the camera spin on the OmniSpin. Point of view camera is place on a young boy’s wheelchair as he is pushed down the third base line to home plate. A woman off camera speaks.]




[视频:摄像机拍下一堆棒球手套堆在教练席上。摄像机特写的棒球在卵石flex安全场上浮出水面。操场和奇迹联盟球场的高架视角,孩子们在周围玩耍。屏幕变白与奇迹联盟的标志。奇迹联盟的标志是由一个蓝色的棒球本垒板和一个白色的圆圈和紫色的半月形组成的棒球鞋带。两颗黄色的星星在盘子的右上角,一颗紫色的星星在盘子上面。棒球周围有一个橙色的心形,棒球板上有一颗黄色的星星。下面橙色和紫色的文字是:奇迹联盟。景观结构标志从屏幕底部向上平移。景观结构标志是由一个红色的丝带起伏以上的文字景观结构。 Red text below the logo reads: Better playgrounds. Better world.™]


朗廷溪家庭YMCA的地区执行董事马特·汤普森(Matt Thompson)说:“这个项目的创始人希望它的最后一部分是一个巨大的包容性足彩必威游乐场,可以服务于我们整个社区,因为在休斯敦没有这样的游乐场。”“2015年完工后,我们在休斯顿创建了第一个也是唯一一个适应性运动综合体。”




Landscape Structures战略联盟经理Jane Jenewein说:“YMCA奇迹联盟的草根、社区驱动的努力为操场规划过程带来了来自有特殊需求的家庭和儿童的丰富个人经验。”她说:“在这个操场上,依赖移动设备的孩子们得到了充分的照顾,这里有斜坡、超宽的走道、超大的秋千等等。”


围绕着主要的操场结构是几个独立的游戏元素,提供了丰富的游戏选择。例如,Sensory Play Center®具有一系列触感、视觉和听觉刺激面板,吸引所有儿童,包括那些有特殊感官处理需求的儿童。其他独立游戏功能包括滚轴桌™、Oodle®秋千和完全轮椅可使用的Sway Fun®滑翔机。







